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FGT update: Looking local for seasonal labour

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 11 September 2020, 7.00pm

Growers are being advised to "get active" as the Tasmanian Government begins rolling out its Tassie Harvest Jobs campaign to entice locals to take up the more than 8,000 seasonal jobs that the fruit industry will have available in the upcoming harvest.

Given the ongoing shortage of working holiday makers present within the state, the focus and priority for this season is going to have to be on hiring and retaining Tasmanian locals to fill seasonal harvest roles.

FGT welcomes the understanding of the Government that we need experienced and trained workers to work alongside locals who will be new to the industry in this harvest. We also welcome the understanding of the Government that it is unlikely that all the available seasonal positions will be filled by locals and that other avenues will be needed throughout the extended harvest season.

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