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Volunteers sought for adopt-a-trap' survey

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 2.00pm

Biosecurity Tasmania is calling for volunteers from across Tasmania to participate in the 2020-2021 Adopt-a-Trap Multi-Pest Survey.  

The survey aims to re-affirm that Tasmania remains free of a range of exotic plant pests such as Tomato-potato psyllid (TPP), carrot psyllids, African citrus psyllid, Asian citrus psyllid,  glassy winged sharpshooter (GWSS) as well as exotic leaf miners including;  tomato leaf miner, chickpea leaf miner, serpentine leaf miner, vegetable leaf miner and American serpentine leaf miner.

Survey volunteers will be provided with sticky insect traps to put out on their properties and gardens during November/December 2020 and again during February/March 2021. 

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