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Tasmanian Government announces support for temporary visa holders

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Thursday, 23 April 2020, 1.00pm

Yesterday the Tasmanian Government has announced a number of initiatives to support vulnerable persons residing in Tasmania on temporary visas.

These measures include: 

  • extending the eligibility for Pandemic Isolation Assistance Grants to temporary visa holders that can demonstrate genuine financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. This will provide an immediate payment of $250 per individual or up to $1000 per family;
  • providing additional funding to non-government support organisations to extend emergency relief and assistance to temporary visa holders where required;
  • assisting with travel advice for temporary visa holders who want to return to their country of citizenship where it is safe to do so. The government will also consider providing funding support for return travel costs on a case by case basis if necessary due to genuine financial hardship; and
  • working with employers and industry sectors to retain employees with specialist skills for when their business is able to resume normal operating practices.

The Government notes it has an estimated 26,000 temporary visa holders currently residing in Tasmania, including students, fruit pickers and skilled workers such as chefs and health workers. Business restrictions and closures have caused incomes for many of these individuals to be stopped or severely curtailed, and they are excluded from accessing financial support through Centrelink.

View announcement  Vulnerable person relief measures

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