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FGT working with Foodbank to reduce food waste

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Tuesday, 20 August 2019, 6.00pm

On any day of the year thousands of Tasmanians are in crisis, dealing with the reality of not knowing where the next meal is coming from for themselves and their families. It’s hard to believe this is happening in our state because it’s largely hidden by shame, but the reality is we’re all likely to know someone who is affected.

Foodbank Tasmania helps to restore hope to people who are struggling by rescuing food from farmers, manufacturers and retailers and distributing it to local charities providing food relief to the public. Every month this simple process enables it to feed 33,000 Tasmanians who might otherwise go hungry. But there’s still more to be done because the number of people seeking help is rising every day and charities say they need at least 40% more food to meet the need.

Fresh fruit can play a critical role in bridging the gap and at times during the year there’s a lot of perfectly good stock going to waste for a variety of reasons. Nutritious and convenient, fruit is the perfect food to provide to charities for food relief. Foodbank is grateful for any edible product, whether it’s out of specification, blemished, ripened or unripened, incorrectly packaged or labelled.

Donating to Foodbank is as simple as calling a number armed with a description of the product, including quantity and estimated life, its location and pallet transfer details. With a presence in Hobart and Devonport, a Foodbank warehouse is never far away.  For more information go, call6274 1052 or

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