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Employee Basic Skills Training package (Horticulture) Pilot Program

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Tuesday, 20 August 2019, 5.40pm

Ian and Stuart with Adrian at Sassafras Orchards
Photo: FGT

FGT is seeking support from Tasmanian fruit growers to develop and run a pilot program delivering training for a list of core training modules to new employees working in the horticultural sector. This pilot will be run in Southern Tasmania including the Derwent Valley, Huon Valley, Southeast and Channel Region. Employees that complete this program will then enter the workforce with an Ag-industry recognised qualification similar to those used by the construction and other industries.

Employees working in the Tasmanian horticultural sector require a certain set of introductory skills to be able to perform basic job tasks both safely and effectively. Currently, the employer has the responsibility for organising training through third-party registered training organisations (RTOs) for each employee. This issue was raised as a key concern impeding the future growth of the Tasmanian fruit industry by Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc. (FGT) in June 2017 and was highlighted again (3rd July 2019) in a media statement from the Shadow Minister for Primary Industries, Fisheries and Water. Representatives from both sides of Tasmanian politics have committed to addressing the issues, with the Labor Party announcing support for an ‘Ag Kickstarter’ skills package to address the training barrier.

Service Delivery

Expressions of Interest (EOIs) will be circulated in print media and through e-newsletters to build industry interest and knowledge of the pilot program. These EOIs will also help identify and short-list suitable RTOs that will be able deliver the list of core training modules listed above.

Participants will be contacted and coordinated by FGT and will undertake the module training over a 3-month period with Recognition of Prior Learning for core modules already held by individuals.

Pilot Co-ordinator

Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc.

Core Training Modules
  • First Aid
  • Chemical Certification (level 3)
  • Manual Handling
  • Workshop Safety & Awareness
  • Chainsaw Operation
  • Forklift Operation
  • Tractor (with loader & 3PL attachment) Operation
  • ATV 4x4 Operation
Key Industry Partners
  • Skills Tasmania
  • Wine Tasmania
  • Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association
  • Tasmanian Agricultural Productivity Group
Data collection

Data about participant numbers (employers/employees), record of conversation and support of the program will be collected via survey (physical, online and telephone). Initially through the FGT membership database and then with our partners in viticulture, cropping and livestock reaching out to their respective members and reporting findings back to FGT collation and coordination of the pilot program.


Funding is project-based, provided by Skills Tasmania Department of State Growth. Potentially under the Workforce Development and Traineeships/Apprenticeships categories. Initial project scoping will be undertaken Mid-August or in line with Skills Tasmania’s next round of grant funding.

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