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Ag Logic weather station network – free sign up

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Thursday, 27 April 2023, 3.00pm

Working with clients in northern Tasmania, Ag Logic recognised the shortage of reliable, agriculturally relevant weather stations that adequately capture the variability in rainfall and microclimates along Tasmania’s North West Coast.

Through funding from AgriFutures Australia and the Tas Farm Innovation Hub, Ag Logic has installed over 20 monitoring sites including a mix of weather stations and rain gauges ranging from Parkham through to Marrawah to help farmers and graziers with access to relevant data to help with on farm decision making. These sites will provide updated data every 15 minute that is easily accessed through the Wildeye app.

Full weather stations have been installed in the following locations:
Moriarty, Spalford, South Riana, Stowport, Yolla, Milabena, Sisters Creek, Mawbanna, Edith Creek and Marrawah.

Rain gauges have been installed at:
Parkham, Sheffield, Sassafras, West Pine, Forest, Montagu, Trowutta, Togari, Mella and Woolnorth.

All sites have a moisture probe installed in a managed dryland pasture that will give graziers an insight into soil moisture levels in their region and how pasture is utilising soil moisture, particularly deeper in the profile.

Over time, this data will also give year on year comparisons allowing graziers to gain a greater understanding of how the season may be tracking to assist in stock management decisions.

Funding from AgriFutures and the Tas Farm Innovation Hub have enabled free access to this data until June 2024, after which data will be able to be accessed through a commercial subscription model. Further detail on this model will be forthcoming. 

To create your own account go to Ag Logic weather stations.

For any questions feel free to contact Marek at 0419 000 267 or

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