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Premier announces easements on border restrictions for seasonal workers

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 18 September 2020, 5.00pm

Premier Peter Gutwein has today announced easements on Tasmania's border restrictions for seasonal workers. The easements come as part of a three stage plan to have the state opened by the 1 December 2020 opening date previously set by the Tasmanian Government.

Under the easements, interstate seasonal workers who have work secured on a Tasmanian farm will be able to enter the state if they are currently located in a non-affected area, including SA, WA, NT, ACT, QLD and areas of NSW.

The management of incoming workers will be based on public health advice and can only proceed in a COVID safe way. All seasonal workers will have to comply with strict conditions in place to limit movement for seasonal workers for 14 days upon entry.

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Apples treated with Parka
Photo: Cultiva LLC

Helping crops fight off smoke, rain and too much sun

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 18 September 2020, 9.00am

As the country sees the headlines of the effects of the California wildfires—not only potentially burning crops, but the after effects of smoke and ash on the state’s crops—it raises the question: could more be done to protect agriculture from major weather events?

One Las Vegas, NV-based agriculture technology company is continuing to work on how its biofilms can be applied to protect specialty crops particularly. Cultiva LLC licensed a biofilm technology developed by Oregon State University in 2012 which had physical and biochemical properties to enhance a plant’s cuticular membrane.

“Today, we estimate about 70 percent of the cherry crop in the Pacific Northwest has been treated with Parka,” says Luis Hernandez, chief executive officer of Cultiva. And while its efficacy on this high-value crop has been shown, Cultiva continues to look at other crops to expand application possibilities for the Parka biofilm.

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