
Latest news

AFL stand 2023 with people

Fruit eNews edition 167

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 6 October 2023, 12.00pm

In this edition:
  • Asia Fruit Logistica 2023
  • Harvest labour focus at upcoming AGM workshop
  • Berry Growers Field Day
  • Berries Australia team visiting Tasmania
  • From barrister to berry boss, how Stephanie Terry is changing the farm game
  • Future Orchards Spring Walks 2023 – Save the date!
  • Calling all apple, berry, cherry and grape growers
  • Awards for Excellence in Women's Leadership
  • Plant Export Industry Advice Notice
  • Survey into global production and operating costs
  • Farm Investment webinar
  • Annual Investment Plans now available
  • RAW Impact report
  • Register for the 2023 Drought Ready Tasmania Forum
  • Tasmanian Business Advice and Support Roadshow
  • APEN conference 2023
  • The latest Ag Chemical Update is available
  • Tourism Emissions Reduction Grant Program
  • Grants to access training for your staff
  • Minor use permit extended
  • Coordination project underway to advance farm waste discussions
  • Export Fundamentals for Australian Fruit & Vegetable Growers

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Labour workshop

Fruit eNews edition 166

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 29 September 2023, 12.00pm

In this edition:
  • Harvest labour focus at upcoming AGM workshop
  • Fruit Growers Tasmania Board update
  • Berry Growers Field Day
  • 2024 Trade Missions & Trade Shows
  • Consumer insights in sustainability webinar
  • Cherries Traceability Pilot
  • Tasmanian Agricultural Technology Guide
  • TIA end of year Honours Seminar
  • Nuffield Australia 2024 Scholars announced
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Blueberry Market Access for South Australia
  • Ag Trade Apprenticeship Project: Register for Consultation Workshops
  • AgriFutures Australia opportunities
  • AHC Improvements Project: There is Still Time to Have Your Say
  • Agricultural Training Centre of Excellence
  • Climate Services for Agriculture becomes My Climate View
  • Austrade news

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SHB restriction area 5km
Photo: Biosecurity Tasmania

Fruit eNews edition 165

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 22 September 2023, 9.00am

In this edition:
  • SHB response - restrictions easing while inspections continue
  • Varroa mite response transitions to management
  • Berry Growers Field Day
  • Pre-season positivity at Serve-Ag Field Day
  • Tassie takes big bite of national apple funding
  • Plant Export Industry Advice Notice
  • Register for the 2023 Drought Ready Tasmania Forum
  • Shape the future of the apple and pear industry
  • Shape the future of the berry industry
  • National Cherry Season Launch Webinar
  • Calling all Tasmanian fruit growers - please help out with a short survey
  • Nominations are now open for Fair Farmer of the Year Award
  • Fair Farms Webinar - When the union calls
  • Primary Employers Tasmania Workshops
  • International consumer demand for the cherry industry
  • Tasmanian business views on industrial relations reforms
  • Food and Grocery Code Independent Reviewer’s annual suppliers survey
  • National Farm Safety Education Survey

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