Fruit Growers Tasmania
| Thursday, 7 December 2023, 6.25pm
After going without Tasmanian cherries for the last 10 months, the wait is finally over – Tasmanian cherries started arriving in store from today!
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Fruit Growers Tasmania
| Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 4.00pm
Fruit Growers Tasmania is delighted at the announcement of Nic Hansen as the inaugural recipient of the Tasmanian Industry Biosecurity Award
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Fruit Growers Tasmania
| Thursday, 23 November 2023, 2.00pm
Just as the fresh fruit season gets underway, Fruit Growers Tasmania and local fruit growers celebrated the launch of the 2023/24 Tasmanian Seasonal Produce Guide by The Hon. Jo Palmer, Minister for Primary Industries and Water, at Willie Smith’s Apple Shed.
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Fruit Growers Tasmania
| Thursday, 17 August 2023, 2.00pm
There will be a strong Tasmanian contingent at Asia Fruit Logistica in Hong Kong this year.
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Fruit Growers Tasmania
| Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 2.00pm
The decision by the Tasmania Government last week to increase electricity prices by 9.5 per cent under a banner that “Tasmanians are paying among the lowest power prices in the nation” is cold comfort to Tasmanians and Tasmanian businesses across the state.
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