AFL stand Nov 2022

Marketing & Promotion

Tasmanian Grown 

Tasmanian Grown is a digital showcase of Tasmanian fruit, vegetables and nuts aimed at potential buyers of our produce around the globe.  

tas grown logo

In 2022, Fruit Growers Tasmania, with industry and government support, successfully launched Tasmanian Grown in Bangkok at Asia Fruit Logistica 2022. The launch was given wide coverage through the fruit journals Fruitnet and Fresh Plaza.

View Media Release 

The Tasmanian Grown website showcases the fresh food that we grow, and informs consumers when it is available and how they can purchase it. To cut through in a very crowded fresh food marketplace, the showcase and the Tasmanian Grown story identify what is unique about Tasmanian fresh produce.

View the Website  View Brochure    View Facebook Page

If you are a grower and would like to know more, be added to the export enquire list or would like to be a feature grower on the site, get in contact via

Asia Fruit Logistica 2024AFL_stand_2024

Asia Fruit Logistica will be held at the Asia World Expo venue in Hong Kong 4-6 September 2024. This is the largest fresh fruit and vegetable trade event in the Asia region.

Fruit Growers Tasmania will once again be attending this year.

This year, we will have a larger corner stand of 15 m2 which will allow us to have three meeting tables, more display area and the opportunity for greater participation by growers.  

 Our Grower Participation Offer ended on Sunday 30 June 2024.

If you are interested in finding out more please email

Promotional Activities

Celebrating Tasmanian Grown Blueberries   

Blueberry wildly fresh_Tasmanian Grown

We conducted a local social media marketing campaign in conjunction with Hill Street Grocer and IGA Tasmania, to encourage Tasmanians to eat more locally grown blueberries over the summer season and during the back to school period.   

We posted a video and prepared stories on some of our dedicated Tasmanian blueberry growers.                                                                       

Blueberry Video

Grower Stories

From our Island to Yours - Taiwan Campaign

Fruit Growers Tasmania ran its first-ever digital marketing campaign for cherries in Taiwan in January 2022.  The campaign promoted the purchasing of cherries for gifts as part of the Lunar New Year celebrations in 2022. 

The English versions of the videos for 2022. 

From our Island to yours  

Did someone say Tasmanian cherries?

Everyone loves Tasmanian cherries

The English versions of the videos for 2023

Cherry Video 


 Taiwan CampaignTaiwan Campaign 2022-23 results