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Apps and Management Software Resources


Rising costs combined with changes to compliance requirements for recording and reporting piece work are some of the drivers for progressive growers' current focus on technology and systems.

There are several products in the market that may assist with monitoring tasks, tracking inputs, and reporting on critical outputs such as yields, quality, and labour productivity.

Many service providers claim improvements in the management of information, reduced administration burden, improved traceability of crop inputs and streamlining of labour management.


Apps and Management Software Providers 

This list is in alphabetical order. It is not exhaustive, nor is it an endorsement of products or businesses listed. Growers must do their own thorough research before implementing systems.

ABC Grower
ABCgrower is a cloud-based software solution for digital record keeping on-farm, recording real-time harvest tracking, inventory management and non-harvest time and task capture.

AgPick is a hand-held system designed for outdoor use that captures harvest activities in real-time in different ways, depending on your needs. Agpick products feed information captured about people, produce, productivity, sites, farms, blocks or crops into your database for analysis.

Agribit Software
Agribit Software provides a comprehensive system capable of efficiently managing your farm payroll.

AgriSmart offer an all-in-one software solution for the horticulture, agriculture and viticulture industries. AgriSmart products assist in streamlining processes for timesheets, payroll and rostering, make task allocation, job costing and invoicing simple and provide a suite of health and safety tools to help your business improve work health and safety procedures.

Apunga is a full-lifecycle horticultural farm management system developed with Australian horticultural farmers. Apunga enables you to drive efficiencies across your business and streamline every aspect of farm planning and day-to-day management - all with one simple, scalable and seamlessly integrated cloud-based solution.

Croptracker is a record-keeping and operations management service which provides customers with advanced solutions to drive an increase in food safety traceability while decreasing overall operational costs. Our mission is to make crop production safer, more efficient, and more profitable for growers.

FarmSoft provides fresh produce packing & food business apps for accurate production & shipping, reduced waste, increased profit, rapid quality inspections.

Field Clock
FieldClock's suite of apps and integrations creates a powerful platform to meet your personal farm labour management needs. Track time and attendance in the field, warehouse, office, or anywhere else you want to access real-time data.

GrowData makes it easy for you to track all your cost inputs down to crop, variety and block level. This information is critical to enable you to plan, monitor and analyse the performance of your business. GrowData makes audits a breeze. Food safety and quality assurance compliance is an important area of management and GrowData is constantly being updated to meet requirements of international QA systems such as GlobalGAP.

Orchard management and fruit quality software that growers and packers love to use. Streamline orchard management with our easy-to-use tools. Clock in workers, track agrochemical use, record harvest in real-time, and access detailed performance and cost insights, automating payroll calculations. Access industry leading fruit sizing & colour grade solutions. Improve your storage, pack & sales decisions, reduce downtime and gain the optimal price for your fruit. Use in the field, packhouse, or automatically capture trucks.

LiveFarmer is a complete online farm management and quality assurance application that records and provides real time information on all aspects of a farmer's everyday business and farming requirements. It is suitable for broad acre farms, vegetable & fruit growers as well as orchard growers.

Mtrack AG
Planning, Planting, Growing, Harvest and Dispatch, MTrack provides full traceability using simple mobile tools and powerful business intelligence tools to help you minimize admin and get the answers you need when you need them.

Produce management software to give you complete control and visibility, from soil to supermarket. Radfords has been developed from the ground up to improve quality and productivity at every stage of the value chain.

Taglog is comprised of an integrated platform using scanning devices for data logging. The field devices capture the work process as it occurs, including a time and GPS stamp resulting in both increased efficiency and improved worker productivity. The real time operating platform provides simultaneous, detailed job reporting with capability for quality control, allowing clarity on work rates and stimulating productivity. Comprehensive backend reporting enables simple payroll and invoicing.

Specifically designed for vineyards and orchards. Tātou was created to manage the human side of growing, whilst unlocking valuable data which is lost on paper. Redefining workforce management for all sectors of horticulture with intuitive software that provides real time data and boosts productivity, efficiency and compliance. Timesheets, piece rates and budgeting made easier.

TELUS Agriculture & Consumer Goods
We deliver actionable digital solutions and data insights that connect the global supply chain, driving more efficient production processes and improving safety, quality and sustainability of outputs, all in a way that’s traceable and clear to the end consumer.

Tie Up Farming 
TieUp Farming offers the only cloud-based end-to-end operations platform for the horticulture industry (fruit, vegetables and nuts), translating open-field farming into an accurate, yield-driven operation. Our focus is on the executive team, farm manager, and field user in the horticulture agribusiness. We create one point of data capturing during the farming process enabling the data to be streamlined in the agribusiness. Other than the control and command modules we utilise QR barcodes, RFID technology and integration to sensors on the farm to capture more data.


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