pickers 2022

Harvest induction videos

Tasmanian Fruit Industry Induction Program

Fruit producers now have access to new safety induction video resources to help train and induct new harvest workers.

Designed for workers from diverse backgrounds, each resource uses short video clips and simple text to help staff familiarise themselves with harvest work activities, farm hazards and general farm safety principles. Videos are available in 10 different languages including English, French, Portuguese, Tetum, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi, Punjabi, Chinese and Korean. 

Employers can also access an optional 5-minute quiz (English only) to test learning outcomes. Successful completion of this quiz will result in a certificate of completion from the Tasmanian Fruit Industry Induction Program. 

Produced by Fruit Growers Tasmania in collaboration with Safe Farming Tasmania, these resources we made possible through the support of WorkCover Tasmania Board through the Healthier, Safer Productive Workplaces Grant (2019).

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