blueberries 2022

Fruit eNews archive

Fruit eNews edition 188

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 22 March 2024, 9.00am

In this edition:
  • Grove Heritage Pome Fruit Collection Insurance Population Project
  • Cherry Debrief and Apple update for Season 2023-24
  • Blueberry Growers Field Day
  • Order your Export Tape
  • Share your story about dealing with the supermarkets
  • Autonomous vehicle for sustainable orchard production now available from Croplands
  • New website for AgPick
  • Drought Relief Extended Statewide
  • Snapshot of Australian Agriculture 2024
  • Ag innovation day 2024
  • National Cherry Industry Conference 2024
  • Optimising crop load management strategies
  • Calling Tassie food producers
  • 2024 Horticulture Awards for Excellence

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