Fruit eNews edition 187
Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 15 March 2024, 9.00am

In this edition:
- Labor Puts Tasmania’s Best Fruit Forward
- Cherry Debrief and Apple update for Season 2023-24
- Blueberry Growers Field Day
- European hothouse design delivers blackberry powerhouse for Tasmanian Berries
- Invite to industry for Bravo® & Soluna® Strategy
- National Biosecurity Strategy Implementation Plan launches
- Order your Export Tape
- Fruit and water testing services
- $1.6 million for Nuffield scholarships with a focus on drought resilience
- Rebates to improve digital connectivity for farmers
- Raspberry and Blackberry Integrated Pest Management newsletter
- Access the latest SARP report for the berry industry
- Nominations open for 2024 APAL Awards for Excellence
- Introducing the Pest and Disease Management project
- Fair Talk by Fair Farms
- Hort Connections 2024
- Fair Work Ombudsman webinars
- Food Supply Study
- Cultural competency requirements under the PALM scheme deed and guidelines