blueberries 2022

Fruit eNews archive

Fruit eNews edition 186

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Monday, 11 March 2024, 9.00am

Strawberry webinar Feb 2024
In this edition:
  • Webinar - Strawberry nursery trayplug plant quality
  • Liberals 2030 Strong Plan for Agriculture - A Step in the Right Direction
  • Profile: Bloobs Blueberries
  • Fruit and water testing services
  • Tasmanian Seasonal Produce Guide
  • ServeAg Post Harvest Field Day
  • Ag innovation day 2024
  • NFFC Think Tank Webinars
  • National cherry season wrap up webinar
  • APAL Industry Forum and Awards for Excellence 2024
  • Plant Health Australia training
  • National Cherry Industry Conference 2024
  • National Soil Survey
  • Australian fresh produce industry delegation focussed on growing relationships with Japan
  • Horticulture Awards for Excellence
  • Introducing the Building Sustainable Soils project
  • Share your story about dealing with the supermarkets
  • Applications open for 2025 Nuffield Scholarships
  • Women & Leadership Australia scholarships
  • Agri-Development Scholarship Available

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