blueberries 2022

Fruit eNews archive

Fruit eNews edition 178

Fruit Growers Tasmania | Monday, 8 January 2024, 12.00pm

Fireworks celebrations
Photo: Pixabay
In this edition:
  • Welcome to 2024
  • Tasmanian Seasonal Produce Guide
  • Taiwan cherry box cards
  • Order your Cherry Bags and Export Tape
  • Fruit and water testing forms updated for 2023-24
  • Tasmanian Cherry Output Set To Surge by 25% in 2023/24
  • Big Honour for Reid Fruits in China
  • Tasmanian fruit growers on cloud nine as ideal conditions for harvest set them up for export boom
  • Worldwide search for labour-saving tech underway
  • Independent Reviewer’s Annual Report into the Australian Food & Grocery Code
  • General Biosecurity Duty
  • Tasmanian Irrigation news
  • Bee Health Technology survey
  • Forthside Research Facility Field Day
  • NFFC Fruit Fly Management Guides
  • Ag Trade Apprenticeship Project: Survey Open for Feedback
  • New cyber security resources for small to medium businesses
  • Berry plant protection guide
  • Hort Connections funding available
  • Savour Tasmania - Inbound Trade Mission
  • BeeConnected App available free now
  • New interactive Work Health and Safety tool for the agriculture industry
  • Ag-tech provider urges growers to act on compliance

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