Fruit eNews edition 167
Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 6 October 2023, 12.00pm

In this edition:
- Asia Fruit Logistica 2023
- Harvest labour focus at upcoming AGM workshop
- Berry Growers Field Day
- Berries Australia team visiting Tasmania
- From barrister to berry boss, how Stephanie Terry is changing the farm game
- Future Orchards Spring Walks 2023 – Save the date!
- Calling all apple, berry, cherry and grape growers
- Awards for Excellence in Women's Leadership
- Plant Export Industry Advice Notice
- Survey into global production and operating costs
- Farm Investment webinar
- Annual Investment Plans now available
- RAW Impact report
- Register for the 2023 Drought Ready Tasmania Forum
- Tasmanian Business Advice and Support Roadshow
- APEN conference 2023
- The latest Ag Chemical Update is available
- Tourism Emissions Reduction Grant Program
- Grants to access training for your staff
- Minor use permit extended
- Coordination project underway to advance farm waste discussions
- Export Fundamentals for Australian Fruit & Vegetable Growers