Fruit eNews edition 165
Fruit Growers Tasmania | Friday, 22 September 2023, 9.00am

In this edition:
- SHB response - restrictions easing while inspections continue
- Varroa mite response transitions to management
- Berry Growers Field Day
- Pre-season positivity at Serve-Ag Field Day
- Tassie takes big bite of national apple funding
- Plant Export Industry Advice Notice
- Register for the 2023 Drought Ready Tasmania Forum
- Shape the future of the apple and pear industry
- Shape the future of the berry industry
- National Cherry Season Launch Webinar
- Calling all Tasmanian fruit growers - please help out with a short survey
- Nominations are now open for Fair Farmer of the Year Award
- Fair Farms Webinar - When the union calls
- Primary Employers Tasmania Workshops
- International consumer demand for the cherry industry
- Tasmanian business views on industrial relations reforms
- Food and Grocery Code Independent Reviewer’s annual suppliers survey
- National Farm Safety Education Survey