Person with secateurs walking through orchard

Current projects

Fruit Growers Tasmania is working with government and industry stakeholders to strengthen the development of Tasmania's fruit industry.

Future Fruit Development Program

Lead delivery provider: Fruit Growers Tasmania

Funded by the Tasmanian Government, this project supports the industry to be innovative, competitive and responsive to change.

The outcomes of this project are to:

  • support innovation and response to change
  • increase efficiency and competitiveness of growers through adoption of technology and practice change

MT22010: Facilitating the development of the Australian Berry Industries - Tasmanian and Rubus Focus

Lead delivery provider: Berries Australia

This multi-industry project is tasked with supporting Australian berry growers in adopting improved practices on-farm and keeping up to date with the latest industry news, information, resources and technologies.

The project delivers a nationally coordinated but locally implemented program which employs several industry development officers who provide specialist skills and knowledge. The role of the industry development officers is a broad one, with all activities geared towards improving the circulation and uptake of information with the industry.

CY22002: Extension and communication for the Australian cherry industry

Lead delivery provider: New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI)

This project improves the exchange of information within the cherry industry to increase efficiency and develop resilience by adopting improved practices and technologies. 

The project team will ensure cherry growers and other industry stakeholders are better informed through an increase in the level of communication and information activities. These activities will create a more robust industry that will be able to expand and improve market access to both existing and future international markets to maximise export growth with the increase in global production.

Reuse and recycling of hydroponic substrate to enable the growth of high-value agricultural production in Tasmania

Lead delivery provider: Fruit Growers Tasmania

Growers have experienced significant challenges with coir costs and freight supplies, prompting the industry to look at how it can reuse used coir substrate. Recent innovations in sterilisation methods mean that spent coir can now feasibly be cleaned of pests and diseases on site, and combined with additional substrate materials sourced locally to provide an improved planting medium.

This project will develop commercial recycled coir substrate blends and sterilisation processes useable by Tasmanian businesses, and trial the these blends under commercial conditions to determine their effects on plant health, productivity and business performance.